Invited Lectures & Seminars
Selected/Recent invited/plenary/keynote lectures
- Micromechanically based random fields, ICOSSAR’93 – 6th Intl. Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, Innsbruck, Austria, 1993.
- On the transition of acceleration waves into shock waves in random media, IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Waves in Solids, University of Victoria, 1993.
- Random field models and scaling laws of heterogeneous media, invited lecture, 4th Meeting on Current Ideas in Mechanics and Related Fields in honour of Prof. H. Zorski, 1997
- Mesoscale continuum models in elasticity, plasticity, damage and wave propagation, invited lecture, Mechanics of Materials Workshop, Oberwolfach Mathematical Institute, Germany, 1998
- Two- and three-dimensional fiber network models for paper mechanics, with D. Stahl, 1999 TAPPI International Paper Physics Conference, San Diego, CA, 1999
- Microstructure-based stochastic finite element methods for elastostatics and elastodynamics, Interactive Plenary Session, AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Forum, AIAA Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2000
- Mechanics of random media as a tool for scale effects in ice fields, IUTAM Symposium on Scaling Laws in Ice Mechanics and Ice Dynamics Fairbanks, Alaska, 2000 (J.P. Dempsey and H.H. Shen, organizers)
- Towards plasticity of random media, invited lecture, PLASTICITY’2000 – Eighth International Symposium on Plasticity, Whistler, B.C., Canada, 2000
- Lattice Models, invited lectures, Course on Micromechanics of Materials, Ameland, The Netherlands, 2000, organized by E. van der Giessen and J. van Mier (Delft University of Technology)
- The use, misuse, and abuse of stochastics in mechanics of random media, keynote lecture in Mini-Symposium “Heterogeneous Materials and Homogenization,” ECCM-2001: 2nd European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Cracow, Poland, 2001 (Cracow University of Technology)
- Stochastic homogenization of inelastic microstructures, Symposium on Micromechanics of Multiphase Materials – Modelling and Application, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg and GKSS Research Centre, Germany, 2001
- Random formation versus inelastic response of paper, IUTAM Symposium on Micromechanics of Fluid Suspensions and Solid Composites, University of Texas at Austin, 2002
- Elastic and elastoplastic response of periodic versus random composites,” with M. Jiang and I. Jasiuk, in Special Session on Bridges from “Applied” to “Mathematics” – III, 2002 AMS and MAA Spring Southeastern Section Meetings, Atlanta, GA, 2002
- “Material Spatial Randomness,” keynote lecture at International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics, China, 2003
- “Plasticity of random media: Status and challenges,” leading lecture in Symposium on Plasticity of Multiphase Materials, PLASTICITY’2003 – Tenth International Symposium on Plasticity, Québec City, Canada, 2003
- “Mechancs of random materials,” Marie Curie Session “Challenges in Mechanics,” IUTAM Congress, Warsaw, Poland, 2004
- “Mesoscale bounds on response of random materials,” Keynote lecture in Symposium “Homogenization and Effective Characterstics,” 8th US Nat. Cong. Comp. Mech., 2005, Austin, TX
- “How big is big enough? [On the size of RVE in random media],” Mechanics of Materials Workshop in Oberwolfach, Germany, 2006
- “On the size of RVE in elastic, plastic, thermoelastic, and porous random microstructures,” Keynote lecture in Symposium “Multi-Scale Mechanical Modelling of Materials and Engineering Applications,” with X. Du, Z. Khisaeva and W. Li, THERMEC’2006, Vancouver, Canada
- “On formulating continuum mechanics of fractal media,” Plenary Lecture at Understanding Complex Systems, Loomis Lab of Physics – UIUC, 2007
- “Scale effects in infinitesimal and finite thermoelasticity of random composites,” (Keynote) at 7th Intl. Congress on Thermal Stresses, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, 2007
- “Random Microstructures, Scaling to RVE, and Stochastic Mechanics,” (Keynote) at First American Academy of Mechanics Conference, 2008
- “Geodesics and lack of normality in random elasto-plastic composites,” (Keynote) Plasticity’2009, St. Thomas, 2009
- “Fractals in mechanics of materials,” (Keynote) IV European Congress on Computational Mechanics (ECCM IV), Paris, France, 2010
- “MRI-based model of TBI vis-à-vis random fractal geometry of brain,” CMM Brain Neuromechanics Workshop, Fields Institute, University of Toronto, Canada, 2010
- “Lattice Models of Cellular Materials, and Mechanics of Random Media,” at Workshop on the mechanical modeling of random open cell foams, newsletter, Technical University Freiberg, Germany, 2013
- “Tensor Random and Fractal Fields,” EUROMECH Colloquium 563 – Generalized Continua and their Application to the Design of Composites and Metamaterials, Cisterna di Latina, Italy, 2014
- 4 Invited Lectures in International Symposium on Modern Mathematics and Mechanics, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic, June 23-27, 2014
- “Tensor Random Fields,” invited talk at Stochasticity 2014, Oct. 24-25, 2014
- “Continuum mechanics beyond the second law of thermodynamics,” general lecture at 2nd International Conference on CONTINUOUS MEDIA WITH MICROSTRUCTURE, Łagów, Poland, 2-5 March, 2015
- “Continuum mechanics beyond the second law of thermodynamics,” Interdisciplinary CAS Spring Symposium: Showcasing Research of CAS Associates and Fellows, University of Illinois, April 21, 2015
- “Scaling to RVE in viscoelasticity of random composites,” keynote lecture, 52nd Ann. Tech. Mtg. of Soc. Eng. Sci., Texas A&M University, 2015
- “Second law of thermodynamics violations vis-á-vis continuum physics,” keynote lecture, Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics – ETAMM-2016, Perpignan, France, 2016
- “Continuum mechanics versus violations of the second law of thermodynamics,” keynote lecture, 11th International Congress on Thermal Stresses, Salerno, Italy, 2016
- “Violations of second law of thermodynamics in fluid and solid mechanics,” The 11th International Workshop on Subsecond Thermophysics, Cracow, Poland, 2016
- “Waves in Random Media with Fractal and Hurst Characteristics” in “Nonlinear Wave Phenomena in Continuum Physics: Some Recent Findings” WAVES 2017 (The Tenth IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory), Athens, GA
- “Tensor Random Fields in Mechanics,” plenary lecture (co-authored by A. Malyarenko), UNCECOMP 2017 (2nd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering), Rhodes, Greece
- “Waves on random fields with fractal and Hurst effects,” keynote lecture (co-authored by V. Nishawala), UNCECOMP 2017 (2nd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering), Rhodes, Greece.
Invited Seminars
- Atmospheric Environment Service Canada, Toronto, Canada, 1984, 1985
- Center for Applied Mathematics, Purdue University, IN, 1987
- Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney, B.C., Canada, 1988
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria, Canada, 1988
- Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, 1989
- Battelle Northwest Research Labs, WA, 1989
- School of Civil Engineering, Cornell University, NY, 1989
- Department of Physics, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA, 1989
- School of Geosciences, Purdue University, IN, 1989
- Dept. of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Cornell University, NY (three seminars), 1989
- Physical Chemistry Group, Department of Chemistry, McGill University, Canada, 1990
- Ecole Supérieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielles, Paris, France, 1990
- Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, 1991
- Department of Mathematics, Michigan State University, 1991
- Dept. of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Cincinnati, 1993
- E. Schmidt Institute of Metal Physics, Montanuniversität, Leoben, Austria, 1993
- Centre des Matériaux, Ecole des Mines de Paris, France, 1993, 1995, 1999
- Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 1994
- Department of Aerospace Engineering, The University of Michigan, 1994
- Department of Materials, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1994
- Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides, Ecole Polytechnique, France, 1995
- Dept. of Mechanics, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany, 1995
- Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 1995
- Institute for Mechanics and Materials/Dept. of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Science, UCSD, 1995 and 1999
- Research Institute, Government Printing Bureau, Odawara, Japan, 1996
- New Oji Paper Co., Tokyo, Japan, 1996
- Beloit Corp., WI, 1996
- School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1997
- Eastman Kodak Corp., Rochester, NY, 1997
- Union Camp Corp., Princeton, NJ, 1998
- Princeton Materials Institute and Department of Civil Engineering & Operations Research, Princeton University, 1998
- Hercules Corp., Wilmington, DE, 1998
- Laboratoire de Modélisation en Mécanique and CNRS, Université Piere et Marie Curie, Paris, France, 1999
- School of Mathematics/Center for Dynamical Systems and Nonlinear Studies, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1999
- Altair Engineering, Austin, TX, 2000
- GKSS Research Centre, Geesthacht, Germany, 2001
- Faculty of Mathematics and Computation, University of Havana, 2002
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Cracow University of Technology, Poland, 2002
- Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Concordia University, Canada, 2003
- COREM, Québec City, Canada, 2003
- Canadian Space Agency, St-Hubert, Canada, 2004
- GWW School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004
- Institute for Materials Testing, Materials Science and Strength of Materials (IMWF), University of Stuttgart, Germany (two seminars), 2004
- Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, The University of Calgary, 2005
- Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, UCSD, 2007
- Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Structural Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis, 2008
- Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, 2009
- Fibre Science and Communication Network, Mid Sweden University, 2009
- Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Iowa, 2009
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Southern Illinois University, 2009
- Nanomedicine Department of Biomedical Engineering, The University of Texas Houston Health Science Center, 2010
- Institute of Mathematics Applied to Science and Engineering, University of Castilla – La Mancha, Spain, 2010
- Kimberly–Clark Corp., WI, 2010
- Institute for Mechanics and Materials/Dept. of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Science, University of California, San Diego, 1995, 1999, 2007, 2010, 2015
- Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy, 2011, 2014
- Università degli Studi di Sassari, Italy, 2011
- Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, 2011
- Peter Gergely Lecture, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, 2011
- Mechanics and Computation Group, Stanford University, 2012
- Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 2012
- W. Olszak & A. Sawczuk Lecture, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2012, 2016
- Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, George Washington University, 2013
- School of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering, The University of Western Australia, 2013
- Institut für Technische Mechanik, Johannes Kepler University-Linz, Austria, 2014
- AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland, 2014
- Université de Rennes 1 – Institut de Recherche Mathématiques de Rennes, France, 2014
- Institute of Structural Engineering, Poznan University of Technology, Poland, 2015
- Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, University of Pennsylvania, 2015
- Center for Nonlinear Studies Colloquium, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2015
- Warren Lecture, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo-Engineering, University of Minnesota, 2016
- Division of Applied Mathematics, Mälardalen University, Sweden, 2016
- Inaugural Lectures for 2016-2017 Graduate Program, Department of Continuum Mechanics and Theory of Structures, University of Seville, Spain, 2016
- Department of Physics, Lehigh University, 2016
- Director’s Seminar, Beckman Institute, UIUC, 2017
- Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering, University of Florida at Gainesville, 2018
- Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Institute of Lightweight Design and Structural Biomechanics, Vienna University of Technology, 2018
- Computational Physics Seminar, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2019
- China University of Mining and Technology, 2019
- Zhejiang University, China, 2019
- Department of Equations of Mathematical Physics, University of Warsaw, 2021
- MAM Seminar, Mälardalen University, Sweden, 2022
- Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw, 2023
- School of Mathematics, Cardiff University, UK, 2023
- School of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Glasgow, UK, 2023